Chaired by Artur Maria Schweidtmann (Delft University of Technology) and Calvin Tsay (Imperial College London) |
15:40 | 16:00 |
Proceeding #: 259
Using Reinforcement Learning in a Game-like Setup for Automated Process Synthesis Without Prior Process Knowledge
Quirin Göttl, Dominik G. Grimm and Jakob Burger
16:00 | 16:20 |
Proceeding #: 260
Generation and Benefit of Surrogate Models for Blackbox Chemical Flowsheet Optimization
Tim Janus, Felix Riedl and Sebastian Engell
16:20 | 16:40 |
Proceeding #: 261
Flowsheet recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
Lukas Schulze Balhorn, Qinghe Gao, Dominik Goldstein and Artur M. Schweidtmann
16:40 | 17:00 |
Proceeding #: 262
Active learning for multi-objective optimization of processes and energy systems
Julia Granacher and François Maréchal
17:00 | 17:20 |
Proceeding #: 263
Data-driven Stochastic Optimization of Numerically Infeasible Differential Algebraic Equations: An Application to the Steam Cracking Process
Burcu Beykal, Zahir Aghayev, Onur Onel, Melis Onel and Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.