Chaired by Aidong Yang (University of Oxford) and Xiaonan Wang (Tsinghua University) |
15:40 | 16:00 |
Proceeding #: 321
Determining Accurate Biofuel System Outcomes: Spatially Explicit Methods for Combined Landscape-Feedstock and Supply Chain Design
Eric O'Neill and Christos Maravelias
16:00 | 16:20 |
Proceeding #: 322
Assessing the Environmental Potential of Hydrogen from Waste Polyethylene
Cecilia Salah, Selene Cobo Gutiérrez and Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez
16:20 | 16:40 |
Proceeding #: 323
A Systematic Comparison of Renewable Liquid Fuels for Power Generation: Towards a 100% Renewable Energy System
Antonio Sánchez, Elena C. Blanco, Mariano Martín and Pastora Vega
16:40 | 17:00 |
Proceeding #: 324
Guiding Innovations and Value-chain improvements using Life-cycle design for Sustainable Circular Economy
Vyom Thakker and Bhavik Bakshi
17:00 | 17:20 |
Proceeding #: 325
Simultaneous Optimal Operation and Design of a Thermal Energy Storage Tank for District Heating Systems with Varying Energy Source
Caroline Satye Martins Nakama, Agnes Camilla Tysland, Brage Rugstad Knudsen and Johannes Jäschke
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.