Welcome Reception @Yoshida Cafe restaurant of KU COOP
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.
JST: Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Time with asterisk* indicates the time of the date one day before.
Time with double dagger‡ indicates the time of the date one day after.